This drove me crazy for entirely too much time, so once I figured it out, I thought I should share it. 

When you're setting up some e-commerce systems, you need to provide the system with your PayPal Identity Token. It appears that PayPal recently reorganized their site so most of the documented procedures for finding it are wrong. Here is how to find your Paypal Identity Token. 

  1. Log into your PayPal account. 
  2. Make sure you have a business account. On your My Account | Overview page, under your name, it should have a field named "Account Type" which should indicate business not personal. 
  3. On the Account Overview page, on the right-hand side you should see a section named "Account Tools". Click "My Business Setup". 
  4. In the "Customize My Buyer's Experience" section, click Customize. 
  5. Under "Auto Return", click Edit. 
  6. Find "Payment Data Transfer (optional) section and enanble it (On). 
  7. Scroll to the bottom of this page and click Save.
  8. Now click Customize again and the token appears below the Payment Data Transfer (optional) setting. Copy this wherever you need to use it.