I've had problems in the past where I know the process ID an application that was causing problems on my Windows 7 computer but I didn't know how to track down which application name was associated with that process ID.

Here is the method for identifying which application is associated with a process ID in Windows 7.

  1. Launch the Task Manager on your system by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Delete and clicking Start Task Manager at the bottom of the list.
  2. Click the Processes Tab.
  3. Click View | Select columns ...
  4. Enable PID and click OK.
  5. Click on the PID column header to sort the list in order of the process IDs.
  6. Now you can locate the application name associated with the process IDthat you're looking for.
  7. Right click on the file associated with the process ID and click Open File Location.
  8. You know know which file is at issue. Hopefully the folder name clearly identifies which software application installed the file.